"AZR", February 24, 1934
The Desert Ramblers, recreation branch of the Business and Professional Women's Club, will make a trip to Phoenix Mountain Park tomorrow afternoon, the outing to be held for tourists as well as local residents and club members.
These outings are specifically arranged to provide entertainment for newcomers and strangers in Arizona as well as to Phoenicians. A large, comfortable bus will leave 29 East Jefferson street and return in the early evening.
Charles M. Holbert, park custodian, will guide the part over some of the new trails and to a scenic location of one of the park headquarters. Higher peaks of the park now are accessible and offer beautiful views of Phoenix and the Salt River valley as well as the Gila river and its valley.
Capt. W. V. Joyce, Field Artillery Reserve, commander of the Civilian Conservation Corps camp in the park, will have the party conducted through the camp grounds and buildings.
W. G. Hartranft, chairman of the Phoenix planning and zoning commission, will discuss plans for the development and beautification of the park, and Miss Laura E. Herron, city playground director, will speak on "Recreation." A basket picnic supper will be held, coffee to be served by the committee in charge, Miss Mary Fiezman and Mrs. Ellen A. Copper.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Band To Play At CCC Camp
"AZR", March 8, 1934
The Phoenix Union High School Girl's band, directed by J. J. Boyer, will entertain men of the Civilian Conservation Corps in Phoenix Mountain park at 8 o'clock tomorrow night.
The program will include overtures, serenades, ensembles and solo selections as well as a few favorite marches.
This band also will appear at the annual music concert to be presented by the high school's instrumental music department March 15. The band has been active in a number of school functions this year as well as at meetings of various local organizations.
Band membership has increased to 34 players.
The Phoenix Union High School Girl's band, directed by J. J. Boyer, will entertain men of the Civilian Conservation Corps in Phoenix Mountain park at 8 o'clock tomorrow night.
The program will include overtures, serenades, ensembles and solo selections as well as a few favorite marches.
This band also will appear at the annual music concert to be presented by the high school's instrumental music department March 15. The band has been active in a number of school functions this year as well as at meetings of various local organizations.
Band membership has increased to 34 players.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Public Urged To See Improvement In Park
"AZR", March 22, 1934
An invitation to the public to visit Phoenix Mountain park and view the extensive improvement program being carried out by employees of the two civilian conservation camp units stationed in the park, was issued by officials of the camps yesterday.
The invitation is particularly intended for Sundays, it was said. Work in the park has now reached the point where visitors can obtain a more complete picture of the various improvements and how they will benefit the public.
The mountain park CCC unit is the largest camp in the state, comprising of two complete companies with a total enrollment of approximately 400.
One of the major improvements now being completed is construction of a park museum and administration building near the entrance to the area. Numerous picnic areas also have been established and equipped with chairs, tables, camp ovens and other useful facilities.
Members of the camp also are enjoying a varied program of activities and entertainment outside their working hours. Tuesday night members of the Phoenix chapter, Reserve Officers' Association, were entertained at dinner in the camp.
Motion picture shows are held each Sunday afternoon for members of the personnel of the camps and boxing bouts also are regular features. Tomorrow night a group of fighters representing the two camps will stage a series of bouts with a boxing team from the CCC camp at Ashdale.
Other activities have included a baseball tournament between the Mountain park camp and others in and adjacent to the Salt River valley, won by Camp 831, one of the two in the park.
An invitation to the public to visit Phoenix Mountain park and view the extensive improvement program being carried out by employees of the two civilian conservation camp units stationed in the park, was issued by officials of the camps yesterday.
The invitation is particularly intended for Sundays, it was said. Work in the park has now reached the point where visitors can obtain a more complete picture of the various improvements and how they will benefit the public.
The mountain park CCC unit is the largest camp in the state, comprising of two complete companies with a total enrollment of approximately 400.
One of the major improvements now being completed is construction of a park museum and administration building near the entrance to the area. Numerous picnic areas also have been established and equipped with chairs, tables, camp ovens and other useful facilities.
Members of the camp also are enjoying a varied program of activities and entertainment outside their working hours. Tuesday night members of the Phoenix chapter, Reserve Officers' Association, were entertained at dinner in the camp.
Motion picture shows are held each Sunday afternoon for members of the personnel of the camps and boxing bouts also are regular features. Tomorrow night a group of fighters representing the two camps will stage a series of bouts with a boxing team from the CCC camp at Ashdale.
Other activities have included a baseball tournament between the Mountain park camp and others in and adjacent to the Salt River valley, won by Camp 831, one of the two in the park.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Federal Parks Man Due Today
“AZR”, February 7, 1934
Don R. Hull of the United States Park Service district office at San Francisco, is expected to arrive here today to confer with city officials relative to their application for a six-month extension of operation of the Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Phoenix Mountain Park.
The city recently made application for extending the camp to September 30. It was originally scheduled to be discontinued March 31. It will be possible, however, to complete the extensive improvement program planned for the park by that date.
In view of how much work is yet to be done and also of the large investment represented in the camp, it is believed the government will grant the extension.
Don R. Hull of the United States Park Service district office at San Francisco, is expected to arrive here today to confer with city officials relative to their application for a six-month extension of operation of the Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Phoenix Mountain Park.
The city recently made application for extending the camp to September 30. It was originally scheduled to be discontinued March 31. It will be possible, however, to complete the extensive improvement program planned for the park by that date.
In view of how much work is yet to be done and also of the large investment represented in the camp, it is believed the government will grant the extension.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Club Leaders In Park Tour
“AZR”, February 2, 1934
Presidents of local civic clubs were entertained yesterday at a luncheon in the Phoenix mountain park Civilian Conservation Corps camp, followed by an inspection tour over the park by the 400 “CCC” employees who have been stationed at the camp since December.
The group viewed roads that are being constructed in the 14,000 acre park, the new picnic grounds that are being cleared, improved and beautified and other improvements.
Members of the party included: Leslie J. Mahoney, president of the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce; Mayor F. J. Paddock, president of the Exchange club; John G. Eager, Lions club president; Frank Snell, Kiwanis club president; Elmon F. Coe, Rotary president; Justice Alfred C. Lockwood, Hiram club president; R. H. Cressingham, president, Knights of the Round Table; Paul Gasser, Casey club president and W. R. Hutchins, Engineers club president.
At the luncheon also were Capt. James R. Worthington, A. O. Harris and L. L. Pittman, of the official staffs of the camp, and George Hall, landscape architect.
Presidents of local civic clubs were entertained yesterday at a luncheon in the Phoenix mountain park Civilian Conservation Corps camp, followed by an inspection tour over the park by the 400 “CCC” employees who have been stationed at the camp since December.
The group viewed roads that are being constructed in the 14,000 acre park, the new picnic grounds that are being cleared, improved and beautified and other improvements.
Members of the party included: Leslie J. Mahoney, president of the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce; Mayor F. J. Paddock, president of the Exchange club; John G. Eager, Lions club president; Frank Snell, Kiwanis club president; Elmon F. Coe, Rotary president; Justice Alfred C. Lockwood, Hiram club president; R. H. Cressingham, president, Knights of the Round Table; Paul Gasser, Casey club president and W. R. Hutchins, Engineers club president.
At the luncheon also were Capt. James R. Worthington, A. O. Harris and L. L. Pittman, of the official staffs of the camp, and George Hall, landscape architect.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
1938 Reg Manning South Mountain Big Parade
Longer Camp Period Asked
“AZR”, January 25, 1934
APPLICATION for a six-month extension of the original date for the closing of the two civilian conservation corps camps, now operating in Phoenix Mountain park, has been made to federal authorities by the city of Phoenix, S. McN. Johnston, city manager, announced yesterday.
Don R. Hull of the district United States park service offices at San Francisco, arrived here yesterday to confer with city officials on the proposed extension and other matters relative to the camps here.
There is a strong likelihood that the application will be granted, in view of the large investment which has been made in the two camps here and also in view of the fact that the extensive improvement program in the camp which the CCC workers are carrying out cannot possibly be completed in the limited time remaining, Mr. Johnston said.
The camps were originally scheduled to be discontinued March 31. If the extension is granted they would continue to operate on through September.
The camps employ 400 workers who are building roads, trails, clearing, beautifying picnic grounds, installing facilities such as ovens, tables, benches and rest houses for picnic parties, and on other projects.
APPLICATION for a six-month extension of the original date for the closing of the two civilian conservation corps camps, now operating in Phoenix Mountain park, has been made to federal authorities by the city of Phoenix, S. McN. Johnston, city manager, announced yesterday.
Don R. Hull of the district United States park service offices at San Francisco, arrived here yesterday to confer with city officials on the proposed extension and other matters relative to the camps here.
There is a strong likelihood that the application will be granted, in view of the large investment which has been made in the two camps here and also in view of the fact that the extensive improvement program in the camp which the CCC workers are carrying out cannot possibly be completed in the limited time remaining, Mr. Johnston said.
The camps were originally scheduled to be discontinued March 31. If the extension is granted they would continue to operate on through September.
The camps employ 400 workers who are building roads, trails, clearing, beautifying picnic grounds, installing facilities such as ovens, tables, benches and rest houses for picnic parties, and on other projects.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Hieroglyphic Trail Reg. Manning Cartoon

Click picture for a larger printable version
Lower quarter of Hieroglyphic Trail was rerouted to the east of the Heard Scout Pueblo and then renamed Geronimo, although most people still hike or bike down the old Hieroglyphic section to the west of the Heard Scout Pueblo.
Scorpion Gulch - South Mountain Trading Post
Friday, July 18, 2008
Roads, Trails, Picnic Sites Constructed By CCC In Phoenix
“AZR”, January 22, 1934
Water System Is Completed By Workers
The hope of a group of far-sighted Phoenix citizens, a project awaited through years of prosperity-the improvement of Phoenix mountain park, 14,000-acre municipally owned recreational preserve, strangely enough, is at last being realized as a direct result of the depression.
Four hundred young men and boys, recruited from the ranks of the unemployed for the two Civilian Conservation Corps camps established in the park last December, are busily at work on various projects which will add materially to the natural lure of the huge desert mountain preserve and will increase its usefulness to the public
Roads are being built which will open up beautiful hidden recesses, huge rock-walled canyons, picnic areas and other points of interest hitherto inaccessible to the public. More than 10 miles of new road construction is included on the list of projects given prior preference. Additional miles, including construction of a 25-mile circular drive encircling the entire park, may also be built if the workers remain here for a sufficient length of time.
Although operation of the camp here originally was to be discontinued soon, city officials are confident that this time will be extended provided funds to continue operation of CCC camps in the nation are appropriated by the present congress.
In any event, the projects which already are certain of completion are practically sufficient to justify the $60,000 in federal funds spent to establish the camps. It is estimated that their cost, together with that of the various improvements in the park, will total $180,000.
Included in the road projects now under way is construction of a first class 22-foot road nearly five miles in length which will ascend to the top of one of the highest peaks in the South mountain range—nearly 2,100 feet in elevation. Some remarkable scenery is visible from points along this road, particularly on the peak, from which the visitor may survey an estimated 12,000 square miles of surrounding country. This road will lead to a huge level plateau, covering nearly a square mile, where will be located a model camp or picnic area.
Construction of 15 miles of horseback or hiking trails, winding through the park is another part of the “3-C” program. These, as well as the new motor drives, will open up to visitors many interesting points and beautiful scenery, including pre-historic hieroglyphic rock writings, giant cactus forests, shaded canyons and arroyos and tall mountain summits.
Among the most important improvements already started is the bringing of a water supply into the park. A well already has been drilled on South Central avenue on land donated by H. Clay Parker, and a pipeline laid to the top of a peak near the north boundary of the park.
A 20,000-gallon storage reservoir is being blasted out of solid rock at the top of the peak and will be lined with concrete. From this reservoir, pipelines will be laid to several adjacent picnic grounds. Because of their elevation and distance, it will not be possible to pipe water to all the numerous picnic areas to be developed in the park.
Sites now being developed for picnic areas are located about one-fourth mile east of the CCC camps and are readily accessible to the public on existing roads which are being improved rapidly.
In developing the picnic areas, every effort is made to preserve the natural beauty of the park—its lichen covered boulders, over-hanging cliffs and existing trees and plants. The areas will be equipped with rest houses, cooking ovens, stone tables, chairs and other facilities. In addition to the “concentrated” picnic areas, suitable for larger gatherings, numerous trails lead off from them into the rock covered hills where may be found scores of specially developed one or two-family picnic grounds where smaller parties may enjoy the outdoors with a feeling of privacy, though there may be other neighbors only a few score feet away.
These sites are being developed by the young workers under the direction of expert landscape foremen. D. A. Mathews is foreman of camp SP-4, and George D. Hall of camp SP-3. Much individuality has been shown by the boys themselves in the development of the picnic areas. Every effort also is made to create individuality in each particular family group picnic site. Exposure, tree growth, rock formation and views are taken into consideration at the sites.
When completed, with a water system, ramadas, seats and additional planting to enhance the natural beauty of the site, these areas will be a distinctive development of great recreational value.
The 3-C camp forms a miniature village, comprising more than 20 separate structures, including dormitories, mess halls, headquarters offices, recreation halls and other facilities.
Camp SP-3 is commanded by James R. Worthington, assisted by Lieut. E. M. Ellis. Camp SP-4 is commanded by Capt. Waldo V. Joyce, assisted by Lieut. J. A. Van Hardeveld. Dr. James W. Casey is resident physician for both camps.
While “to accomplish something worthwhile” is a thought carried prominently in connection with the operation of the camps, the primary consideration of the officials is “the boys,” those in charge of the projects say.
Life in the camps is more or less like a well-conducted boys club. The boys work on a 40-hour per week basis, and after working hours enjoy recreation. There are just three requirements of all who compose the personnel of the camps. These are that they keep clean; work the required number of hours and obey orders.
That life in the camps agrees with the youngsters who have enrolled under the wing of ‘Uncle Sam’ is evidenced by the fact, as determined by camp officials, that the average gain in weight of each boy since the opening of the camp has been 12 pounds. There have been practically no desertions and officials say that there have been no instances of insubordination or actual refusal to obey orders since the camps opened.
While at work on field projects the youths are directed by representatives of the national parks department. The administrative and supervisory personnel for camp SP-3 includes A. O. Harris, camp superintendent, assisted by 10 subforemen.
That of camp SP-4 is headed by I. L. Pittman, with F. H. Toohey as general foreman and nine subforemen.
Plans for improvement of the park were prepared by Leslie J. Mahoney, city planning engineer. The camps were brought here largely through the efforts of S. McN. Johnston, city manager, with the co-operation of a group of influential citizens.
Phoenix mountain park was acquired by the city of Phoenix about eight years ago from the federal government. Among the leaders in the movement to set aside the area for recreational purposes was W. G. Hartranft, now chairman of the city planning and zoning board; the late Dwight B. Heard, Howard Aller and the late James C. Dobbins.
The late Stephen Mather, former head of the national park service also became interested in the project and largely was instrumental in having the area set aside for Phoenix while on a visit here at the home of Mr. Heard.
An attractive building of native stone will be constructed near the entrance to the park to serve as a museum, an information headquarters for visitors and as a park caretaker’s home. Other projects in the park will include erosion control works and reforestation of denuded areas.
Water System Is Completed By Workers
The hope of a group of far-sighted Phoenix citizens, a project awaited through years of prosperity-the improvement of Phoenix mountain park, 14,000-acre municipally owned recreational preserve, strangely enough, is at last being realized as a direct result of the depression.
Four hundred young men and boys, recruited from the ranks of the unemployed for the two Civilian Conservation Corps camps established in the park last December, are busily at work on various projects which will add materially to the natural lure of the huge desert mountain preserve and will increase its usefulness to the public
Roads Built
Roads are being built which will open up beautiful hidden recesses, huge rock-walled canyons, picnic areas and other points of interest hitherto inaccessible to the public. More than 10 miles of new road construction is included on the list of projects given prior preference. Additional miles, including construction of a 25-mile circular drive encircling the entire park, may also be built if the workers remain here for a sufficient length of time.
Although operation of the camp here originally was to be discontinued soon, city officials are confident that this time will be extended provided funds to continue operation of CCC camps in the nation are appropriated by the present congress.
In any event, the projects which already are certain of completion are practically sufficient to justify the $60,000 in federal funds spent to establish the camps. It is estimated that their cost, together with that of the various improvements in the park, will total $180,000.
Road Tops Peak
Included in the road projects now under way is construction of a first class 22-foot road nearly five miles in length which will ascend to the top of one of the highest peaks in the South mountain range—nearly 2,100 feet in elevation. Some remarkable scenery is visible from points along this road, particularly on the peak, from which the visitor may survey an estimated 12,000 square miles of surrounding country. This road will lead to a huge level plateau, covering nearly a square mile, where will be located a model camp or picnic area.
Construction of 15 miles of horseback or hiking trails, winding through the park is another part of the “3-C” program. These, as well as the new motor drives, will open up to visitors many interesting points and beautiful scenery, including pre-historic hieroglyphic rock writings, giant cactus forests, shaded canyons and arroyos and tall mountain summits.
Water System Built
Among the most important improvements already started is the bringing of a water supply into the park. A well already has been drilled on South Central avenue on land donated by H. Clay Parker, and a pipeline laid to the top of a peak near the north boundary of the park.
A 20,000-gallon storage reservoir is being blasted out of solid rock at the top of the peak and will be lined with concrete. From this reservoir, pipelines will be laid to several adjacent picnic grounds. Because of their elevation and distance, it will not be possible to pipe water to all the numerous picnic areas to be developed in the park.
Sites now being developed for picnic areas are located about one-fourth mile east of the CCC camps and are readily accessible to the public on existing roads which are being improved rapidly.
Park Beauty Preserved
In developing the picnic areas, every effort is made to preserve the natural beauty of the park—its lichen covered boulders, over-hanging cliffs and existing trees and plants. The areas will be equipped with rest houses, cooking ovens, stone tables, chairs and other facilities. In addition to the “concentrated” picnic areas, suitable for larger gatherings, numerous trails lead off from them into the rock covered hills where may be found scores of specially developed one or two-family picnic grounds where smaller parties may enjoy the outdoors with a feeling of privacy, though there may be other neighbors only a few score feet away.
These sites are being developed by the young workers under the direction of expert landscape foremen. D. A. Mathews is foreman of camp SP-4, and George D. Hall of camp SP-3. Much individuality has been shown by the boys themselves in the development of the picnic areas. Every effort also is made to create individuality in each particular family group picnic site. Exposure, tree growth, rock formation and views are taken into consideration at the sites.
Camps Form “Village”
When completed, with a water system, ramadas, seats and additional planting to enhance the natural beauty of the site, these areas will be a distinctive development of great recreational value.
The 3-C camp forms a miniature village, comprising more than 20 separate structures, including dormitories, mess halls, headquarters offices, recreation halls and other facilities.
Camp SP-3 is commanded by James R. Worthington, assisted by Lieut. E. M. Ellis. Camp SP-4 is commanded by Capt. Waldo V. Joyce, assisted by Lieut. J. A. Van Hardeveld. Dr. James W. Casey is resident physician for both camps.
While “to accomplish something worthwhile” is a thought carried prominently in connection with the operation of the camps, the primary consideration of the officials is “the boys,” those in charge of the projects say.
Recreation Provided
Life in the camps is more or less like a well-conducted boys club. The boys work on a 40-hour per week basis, and after working hours enjoy recreation. There are just three requirements of all who compose the personnel of the camps. These are that they keep clean; work the required number of hours and obey orders.
That life in the camps agrees with the youngsters who have enrolled under the wing of ‘Uncle Sam’ is evidenced by the fact, as determined by camp officials, that the average gain in weight of each boy since the opening of the camp has been 12 pounds. There have been practically no desertions and officials say that there have been no instances of insubordination or actual refusal to obey orders since the camps opened.
Parks Bureau Assists
While at work on field projects the youths are directed by representatives of the national parks department. The administrative and supervisory personnel for camp SP-3 includes A. O. Harris, camp superintendent, assisted by 10 subforemen.
That of camp SP-4 is headed by I. L. Pittman, with F. H. Toohey as general foreman and nine subforemen.
Plans for improvement of the park were prepared by Leslie J. Mahoney, city planning engineer. The camps were brought here largely through the efforts of S. McN. Johnston, city manager, with the co-operation of a group of influential citizens.
Phoenix mountain park was acquired by the city of Phoenix about eight years ago from the federal government. Among the leaders in the movement to set aside the area for recreational purposes was W. G. Hartranft, now chairman of the city planning and zoning board; the late Dwight B. Heard, Howard Aller and the late James C. Dobbins.
Master Endorsed Plan
The late Stephen Mather, former head of the national park service also became interested in the project and largely was instrumental in having the area set aside for Phoenix while on a visit here at the home of Mr. Heard.
An attractive building of native stone will be constructed near the entrance to the park to serve as a museum, an information headquarters for visitors and as a park caretaker’s home. Other projects in the park will include erosion control works and reforestation of denuded areas.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Civilian Camp Gets New Name
"AZR", December 27, 1933
A new name now graces the 400-man Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Phoenix Mountain Park, according to word received yesterday from Eighth Corps Area headquarters, Fort Sam Houston, Tex.
The camp will be known as the Phoenix Metropolitan Park camp.
Two companies-Nos. 830 and 831--of 200 men each are camped within the park, carrying out trail-building and many other improvement projects.
A new name now graces the 400-man Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Phoenix Mountain Park, according to word received yesterday from Eighth Corps Area headquarters, Fort Sam Houston, Tex.
The camp will be known as the Phoenix Metropolitan Park camp.
Two companies-Nos. 830 and 831--of 200 men each are camped within the park, carrying out trail-building and many other improvement projects.
Second CCC Corps Arrives
"AZR", December 4, 1933
A FORCE of nearly 200 from Colorado arrived in Phoenix yesterday to join the Phoenix Mountain Park Civlian Conservation Corps camp.
They are quartered in the park in a well-equipped camp which already has been constructed.
The group arriving here yesterday was the second CCC contingent to be established in the park.
The first company arrived more than two weeks ago and already has started preparations for carrying out an extensive program of improvement within the park, a 14,000 acre municipally-owned recreation area.
Arrival of yesterday's contingent brings the camp up to its full personnel.
A FORCE of nearly 200 from Colorado arrived in Phoenix yesterday to join the Phoenix Mountain Park Civlian Conservation Corps camp.
They are quartered in the park in a well-equipped camp which already has been constructed.
The group arriving here yesterday was the second CCC contingent to be established in the park.
The first company arrived more than two weeks ago and already has started preparations for carrying out an extensive program of improvement within the park, a 14,000 acre municipally-owned recreation area.
Arrival of yesterday's contingent brings the camp up to its full personnel.
CCC Company Coming Here
"AZR", December 2, 1933
A company of Civilian Conservation Corps camp workers left Colorado yesterday en route to Phoenix, where they will be established for the winter in Phoenix Mountain park.
Arrival of the Colorado group will bring the population of the camp up to about 400. One company of CCC workers has been established in the park two weeks.
The second contingent is expected to arrive here tomorrow or Monday, according to information received by S. McN. Johnston, city manager.
They will be quartered with the workers already here in the elaborate camp which has been constructed in the interior of the park.
The first company already has begun preliminary work on the extensive improvement program planned within South Mountain park, a 14,000 municipally-owned recreational preserve.
Park improvements to be made include construction of many miles of new scenic drives, trails and bridle paths, reforestation, establishing and improving of new picnic grounds, and other facilities.
A company of Civilian Conservation Corps camp workers left Colorado yesterday en route to Phoenix, where they will be established for the winter in Phoenix Mountain park.
Arrival of the Colorado group will bring the population of the camp up to about 400. One company of CCC workers has been established in the park two weeks.
The second contingent is expected to arrive here tomorrow or Monday, according to information received by S. McN. Johnston, city manager.
They will be quartered with the workers already here in the elaborate camp which has been constructed in the interior of the park.
The first company already has begun preliminary work on the extensive improvement program planned within South Mountain park, a 14,000 municipally-owned recreational preserve.
Park improvements to be made include construction of many miles of new scenic drives, trails and bridle paths, reforestation, establishing and improving of new picnic grounds, and other facilities.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Entire 1964 South Mountain Park Brochure Map
South Mountain Richard
As requested, here is the entire map from the 1964 South Mountain Park brochure:
As requested, here is the entire map from the 1964 South Mountain Park brochure:
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Request for Information
I've setup a new Email address for this blog:
SoMoHistory@cox.net View my profile for a clickable link.
I would love to hear any comments about info on this blog, positive or negative. I don't even mind if people send me a simple note pointing out spelling errors or typos.
I'd like to know if anyone appreciates the info posted here, and wants me to continue working on this project. It would be great to know that the effort was worthwhile.
If you have any information or tips about anything related to the history of South Mountain, please feel free to send them in.
Old Photos
Old Newspaper Articles (or just the date of the article!)
Any tidbit of information...personal memories, anything.
I will be posting some questions soon I would like to have answered...a few mysteries I haven't found answers for yet. Stay tuned.
South Mountain Richard
SoMoHistory@cox.net View my profile for a clickable link.
I would love to hear any comments about info on this blog, positive or negative. I don't even mind if people send me a simple note pointing out spelling errors or typos.
I'd like to know if anyone appreciates the info posted here, and wants me to continue working on this project. It would be great to know that the effort was worthwhile.
If you have any information or tips about anything related to the history of South Mountain, please feel free to send them in.
Old Photos
Old Newspaper Articles (or just the date of the article!)
Any tidbit of information...personal memories, anything.
I will be posting some questions soon I would like to have answered...a few mysteries I haven't found answers for yet. Stay tuned.
South Mountain Richard
Camp To Add 200 Workers
"AZR", November 29, 1933
An additional contingent of 200 workers is scheduled to arrive at the Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Phoenix Mountain park Sunday, city officials said yesterday following a visit to the camp.
The first company of workers reached the camp from projects in Colorado last week.
The original group, which also numbers 200 men, already is at work carrying out the extensive improvement program which has been outlined for the park.
The complete camp, including dormitories, mess halls, recreation halls and other facilities, already has been finished and is housing the "CCC" men. Arrival of the second company Sunday will bring the camp up to its full strength.
Projects in the park already placed under way include the building of new roads, trails and bridle paths, reforestation of areas which have been denuded of their natural desert plants, shrubs and trees, establishing of picnic grounds and installation of facilities such as camp ovens, tables, benches and sun shelters for picnic parties and similar improvements.
An additional contingent of 200 workers is scheduled to arrive at the Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Phoenix Mountain park Sunday, city officials said yesterday following a visit to the camp.
The first company of workers reached the camp from projects in Colorado last week.
The original group, which also numbers 200 men, already is at work carrying out the extensive improvement program which has been outlined for the park.
The complete camp, including dormitories, mess halls, recreation halls and other facilities, already has been finished and is housing the "CCC" men. Arrival of the second company Sunday will bring the camp up to its full strength.
Projects in the park already placed under way include the building of new roads, trails and bridle paths, reforestation of areas which have been denuded of their natural desert plants, shrubs and trees, establishing of picnic grounds and installation of facilities such as camp ovens, tables, benches and sun shelters for picnic parties and similar improvements.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
CCC Workers Arrive From Minturn, Colo.
"AZR", November 23, 1933
South Mountain Camp Is Housing 194 New Arrivals
ONE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO Civilian Conservation Corps workers and their two commanding officers rolled into Phoenix yesterday afternoon and "took over" South Mountain park.
By early next week the CCC company will be engaged in an improvement and beautification program that will transform the mountain district into a huge picnic and recreation area.
Another CCC company will arrive in the near future and will join in the work in the South Mountain park area.
The contingent which poured into Phoenix yesterday came from Minturn Colo., and was in command of Capt. J. R. Worthington and First Lieut. C. H. Hutchinson.
The young men quickly transferred luggage and equipment from the train to trucks and rode jauntily toward the mountain park area that will be their home for the next several months. Last night they occupied barracks at their campsite, which already have been sufficiently completed by civilian labor to be placed in use.
The second contingent also probably will come from Colorado, it was said.
Improvement work at the park will include construction of 25 miles of trails and roads within the park, reforestation, development of the park's water supply, building of hiking trails and bridal paths and of a circular automobile road, about 30 miles in length, surrounding the park.
The CCC workers also will clear proposed picnic sites of rocks, sagebrush and cacti, and construct ovens, tables, benches and other facilities for use of picnickers.
South Mountain Camp Is Housing 194 New Arrivals
ONE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO Civilian Conservation Corps workers and their two commanding officers rolled into Phoenix yesterday afternoon and "took over" South Mountain park.
By early next week the CCC company will be engaged in an improvement and beautification program that will transform the mountain district into a huge picnic and recreation area.
Another CCC company will arrive in the near future and will join in the work in the South Mountain park area.
The contingent which poured into Phoenix yesterday came from Minturn Colo., and was in command of Capt. J. R. Worthington and First Lieut. C. H. Hutchinson.
The young men quickly transferred luggage and equipment from the train to trucks and rode jauntily toward the mountain park area that will be their home for the next several months. Last night they occupied barracks at their campsite, which already have been sufficiently completed by civilian labor to be placed in use.
The second contingent also probably will come from Colorado, it was said.
Improvement work at the park will include construction of 25 miles of trails and roads within the park, reforestation, development of the park's water supply, building of hiking trails and bridal paths and of a circular automobile road, about 30 miles in length, surrounding the park.
The CCC workers also will clear proposed picnic sites of rocks, sagebrush and cacti, and construct ovens, tables, benches and other facilities for use of picnickers.
Monday, July 7, 2008
South Mountain Aerial Photo from the 70's
Unreadable ‘Pages’ Are Left Behind By Early Inhabitants
“AZR”, November 19, 1933
Scattered throughout the length and breadth of Arizona are thousands of “pages” from the history of a people who roamed the area now within the borders of this state in a dim and almost forgotten Yesterday.
But none can read them.
They are the ever-fascinating hieroglyphics or pictographs, found in varying numbers in every county.
In any given area they range in number from a scattered few to an almost limitless many. They vary from the crudest of symbols, many wholly beyond interpretation, to seemingly long and involved stories almost possible of translation because of the vivid realism of the characters portrayed
The widely-known sites of hieroglyphics are far too numerous to catalog, but there are several areas in which they are found in such great numbers that they are worthy of mention because of their accessibility.
In South Mountain park, Phoenix’ 14,000-acre municipal playground, south of the city, pictographs are found in unusually large number in Hieroglyphic canyon, an easily reached site.
These are of the relatively primitive type, but prove an endless fascination for the visitors who see them annually by the thousands.
On thousands of rocks in Petrified Forest national monument in the northeastern part of the state are elaborate hieroglyphics or petroglyphs, many of which are adjacent to or in juxtaposition with the ruins of the prehistoric people’s dwellings.
More than 100 miles north of the forests, in Canyon de Chelly, the pictographs become much more elaborate since they represent a period relatively recent in the state’s history.
Indeed, some of these must have been painted no more than a few centuries ago, since they unmistakably portray the invasion of the men on horseback, the Spanish Conquistadores.
Throughout all the pictographs in the state may be found recurring certain symbols which are in use today in the arts and crafts of the modern Indians.
Among these are the swastika, a figure composed of half a dozen concentric circles, the figure of the Gila monster—desert-dwelling reptile peculiar to Arizona—and others as readily distinguishable.
In some cases these are figures and nothing more, elaborately chiseled into everlasting stone merely at the whim of a prehistoric resident in whom stirred the first urge of artistry.
Others are quite patently designed to tell a story to others who might pass by the same place. Some seem to be maps. But all today remain without translation, simply because the “dark ages” of Arizona’s pre-history left a gap in the continuity of the people and no Rosetta stone has been found to link Yesterday with Today.
A marvel of scientists is the patience exercised by the forgotten people in inscribing their pictures. Without metal of any kind, they cut their figures deeply into rock which is so hard that carving it today with highly-tempered steel chisels represents a real problem.
The consensus of scientists is that Arizona’s pictographs probably will never be deciphered. But as they stand they offer material for endless hours of fascinating study and interesting observation.
Scattered throughout the length and breadth of Arizona are thousands of “pages” from the history of a people who roamed the area now within the borders of this state in a dim and almost forgotten Yesterday.
But none can read them.
They are the ever-fascinating hieroglyphics or pictographs, found in varying numbers in every county.
In any given area they range in number from a scattered few to an almost limitless many. They vary from the crudest of symbols, many wholly beyond interpretation, to seemingly long and involved stories almost possible of translation because of the vivid realism of the characters portrayed
Many Accessible
The widely-known sites of hieroglyphics are far too numerous to catalog, but there are several areas in which they are found in such great numbers that they are worthy of mention because of their accessibility.
In South Mountain park, Phoenix’ 14,000-acre municipal playground, south of the city, pictographs are found in unusually large number in Hieroglyphic canyon, an easily reached site.
These are of the relatively primitive type, but prove an endless fascination for the visitors who see them annually by the thousands.
On thousands of rocks in Petrified Forest national monument in the northeastern part of the state are elaborate hieroglyphics or petroglyphs, many of which are adjacent to or in juxtaposition with the ruins of the prehistoric people’s dwellings.
More than 100 miles north of the forests, in Canyon de Chelly, the pictographs become much more elaborate since they represent a period relatively recent in the state’s history.
Indeed, some of these must have been painted no more than a few centuries ago, since they unmistakably portray the invasion of the men on horseback, the Spanish Conquistadores.
Throughout all the pictographs in the state may be found recurring certain symbols which are in use today in the arts and crafts of the modern Indians.
Among these are the swastika, a figure composed of half a dozen concentric circles, the figure of the Gila monster—desert-dwelling reptile peculiar to Arizona—and others as readily distinguishable.
When Artistry Stirred
In some cases these are figures and nothing more, elaborately chiseled into everlasting stone merely at the whim of a prehistoric resident in whom stirred the first urge of artistry.
Others are quite patently designed to tell a story to others who might pass by the same place. Some seem to be maps. But all today remain without translation, simply because the “dark ages” of Arizona’s pre-history left a gap in the continuity of the people and no Rosetta stone has been found to link Yesterday with Today.
A marvel of scientists is the patience exercised by the forgotten people in inscribing their pictures. Without metal of any kind, they cut their figures deeply into rock which is so hard that carving it today with highly-tempered steel chisels represents a real problem.
The consensus of scientists is that Arizona’s pictographs probably will never be deciphered. But as they stand they offer material for endless hours of fascinating study and interesting observation.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Phoenix’ Parks Cover Nearly 15,500 Acres
“AZR”, November 19, 1933
Phoenix has nearly 15,500 acres in parks.
Largest of these is Phoenix Mountain park, a vast tract of more than 14,000 acres of typical Arizona desert mountains, whose recesses hold many attractions of unfailing interest, particularly to persons to whom Arizona’s desert is new.
The park is located a few miles south of Phoenix. About the first of next month, a federal Civilian Conservation Corps camp will be established in Mountain park. The camp will employ about 400 men who will carry out an extensive improvement program in the park.
This will include construction of many miles of new scenic roads, hiking trails and bridle paths, reforestation, establishment of herbariums or museums of native desert plants, beautification of picnic grounds and installation of picnic facilities such as camp ovens, tables, benches and sun shelters. Mountain park is the largest municipally owned recreation area in the United States.
Phoenix also has three major public recreational area within its limits. These include University park, which serves the northwestern portion of the city. University park has an area of 10 acres and is equipped with a large swimming pool, a public bath house, tennis courts, a baseball field, children’s playground equipment and various recreational facilities for adults.
Eastlake park, also 10 acres in area, serves the southeast part of the city. It also has an excellent swimming pool, ball field and other recreational facilities.
Recently, the city acquired a 5-acre tract of land at Second and Grant street which is now being developed for park purposes. Improvements there include construction of a swimming pool which will be opened next summer, and other recreational facilities.
The park of the Four Waters, so called because within the 9 ½-acre area it embraces are still visible the traces of the ancient canal system built by the Salt River valley’s prehistoric inhabitants, lies a few miles east of the city adjoining Washington boulevard.
A feature of this area is the Pueblo Grande ruins, the dwelling of the prehistoric race that presumably built the valley’s first irrigation system. These are believed to be among the oldest and largest prehistoric ruins anywhere in the Southwest and are of exceptional archeological value. The ruins are now being excavated under the supervision of Odd S. Halseth, widely known archeologist.
Other parks in Phoenix’ system are:
Woodlawn park, three and one-half acres; South Central park, three acres; Federal park, one-half acre; Library park, three and one-half acres; Portland park, one and one-half acres; Moreland park, one and one-half acres; American Legion park, one and one-half acres; Harmon playfield, two acres; Townsend park, two acres.
For the first time last spring the city was given a supervised playground system through the efforts of Women’s clubs, Parent Teacher Associations and other local organizations interested in child and public welfare.
This season, the supervised playground program, directed by Miss Laura Herron, city playground supervisor, is being expanded. Numerous activities are conducted in practically all the parks and at many school playgrounds for children, under competent supervision.
The playground department also supervises many activities for adults at the city parks, including horse shoe tournaments, checker tournaments, shuffleboard and other games.
The city is installing additional equipment and facilities in the parks as fast as money can be obtained, which will further expand supervised playground activities.
Phoenix has nearly 15,500 acres in parks.
Largest of these is Phoenix Mountain park, a vast tract of more than 14,000 acres of typical Arizona desert mountains, whose recesses hold many attractions of unfailing interest, particularly to persons to whom Arizona’s desert is new.
The park is located a few miles south of Phoenix. About the first of next month, a federal Civilian Conservation Corps camp will be established in Mountain park. The camp will employ about 400 men who will carry out an extensive improvement program in the park.
Work To Be Done
This will include construction of many miles of new scenic roads, hiking trails and bridle paths, reforestation, establishment of herbariums or museums of native desert plants, beautification of picnic grounds and installation of picnic facilities such as camp ovens, tables, benches and sun shelters. Mountain park is the largest municipally owned recreation area in the United States.
Phoenix also has three major public recreational area within its limits. These include University park, which serves the northwestern portion of the city. University park has an area of 10 acres and is equipped with a large swimming pool, a public bath house, tennis courts, a baseball field, children’s playground equipment and various recreational facilities for adults.
Eastlake park, also 10 acres in area, serves the southeast part of the city. It also has an excellent swimming pool, ball field and other recreational facilities.
Develops New Park
Recently, the city acquired a 5-acre tract of land at Second and Grant street which is now being developed for park purposes. Improvements there include construction of a swimming pool which will be opened next summer, and other recreational facilities.
The park of the Four Waters, so called because within the 9 ½-acre area it embraces are still visible the traces of the ancient canal system built by the Salt River valley’s prehistoric inhabitants, lies a few miles east of the city adjoining Washington boulevard.
A feature of this area is the Pueblo Grande ruins, the dwelling of the prehistoric race that presumably built the valley’s first irrigation system. These are believed to be among the oldest and largest prehistoric ruins anywhere in the Southwest and are of exceptional archeological value. The ruins are now being excavated under the supervision of Odd S. Halseth, widely known archeologist.
Other parks in Phoenix’ system are:
Woodlawn park, three and one-half acres; South Central park, three acres; Federal park, one-half acre; Library park, three and one-half acres; Portland park, one and one-half acres; Moreland park, one and one-half acres; American Legion park, one and one-half acres; Harmon playfield, two acres; Townsend park, two acres.
Supervised Playgrounds
For the first time last spring the city was given a supervised playground system through the efforts of Women’s clubs, Parent Teacher Associations and other local organizations interested in child and public welfare.
This season, the supervised playground program, directed by Miss Laura Herron, city playground supervisor, is being expanded. Numerous activities are conducted in practically all the parks and at many school playgrounds for children, under competent supervision.
The playground department also supervises many activities for adults at the city parks, including horse shoe tournaments, checker tournaments, shuffleboard and other games.
The city is installing additional equipment and facilities in the parks as fast as money can be obtained, which will further expand supervised playground activities.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Commission Sets Aside Tract For Mountain Indian Village
“AZR”, November 2, 1933
Setting aside of a tract of land in Phoenix Mountain park for the establishment of the proposed permanent Indian village where tourists and visitors could go and see native Arizona Indians in a typical setting, engaged in their works and crafts, was approved by the city commission yesterday.
The mountain park reservation plan was given the commission’s approval following receipt of a communication from the Central Arizona District Federation of Women’s clubs, which is sponsoring the Indian Village project.
The communication asked that a tract of land in the park be set aside so that plans for the development of the Indian village could go forward with conformity with other plans that are now being made for the improvement of the park.
W. G. Hartranft, chairman, of the city planning and zoning commission, long an advocate of park, playground and recreational development, also appeared before the commission in behalf of the Indian village project.
Sponsors of the plan expect to induce Indians to settle on the tract to be set aside in the park, build their homes and follow their crafts.
Other business before the commission yesterday included adoption of an ordinance authorizing payment to the Southwest Equipment Company of $3,200 for a recently purchased portable paving repair plant.
A petition for installation of an arc light at Third avenue and Virginia street was received and referred to the city electrician for investigation.
Charles Donofrio submitted an application for a permit to hold wrestling and boxing matches in Arcadia hall, Fourth avenue and Washington street. The request was referred to the city athletic commission.
Setting aside of a tract of land in Phoenix Mountain park for the establishment of the proposed permanent Indian village where tourists and visitors could go and see native Arizona Indians in a typical setting, engaged in their works and crafts, was approved by the city commission yesterday.
The mountain park reservation plan was given the commission’s approval following receipt of a communication from the Central Arizona District Federation of Women’s clubs, which is sponsoring the Indian Village project.
The communication asked that a tract of land in the park be set aside so that plans for the development of the Indian village could go forward with conformity with other plans that are now being made for the improvement of the park.
W. G. Hartranft, chairman, of the city planning and zoning commission, long an advocate of park, playground and recreational development, also appeared before the commission in behalf of the Indian village project.
Sponsors of the plan expect to induce Indians to settle on the tract to be set aside in the park, build their homes and follow their crafts.
Other business before the commission yesterday included adoption of an ordinance authorizing payment to the Southwest Equipment Company of $3,200 for a recently purchased portable paving repair plant.
A petition for installation of an arc light at Third avenue and Virginia street was received and referred to the city electrician for investigation.
Charles Donofrio submitted an application for a permit to hold wrestling and boxing matches in Arcadia hall, Fourth avenue and Washington street. The request was referred to the city athletic commission.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Kiwanis To Hear Talk On Parks
“AZR”, October 29, 1933
S. McN. Johnston, city manager, will outline contemplated improvements in recreational areas surrounding Phoenix, in addressing members of the Phoenix Kiwanis Club at their weekly luncheon meeting in Hotel Adams Tuesday.
Mr. Johnston will particularly stress improvements to be made in South Mountain park by Civilian Conservation Corps workers, and also will tell of activities of the CCC workers in Papago park.
Carl Calkins will preside as program chairman, and Herb Hodgson will make a report on the district convention.
Bringing before the Kiwanians information concerning contemplated improvements in the recreational areas is in conformity with the recent admonition of Kiwanis International, and with a resolution passed at the recent district convention in Douglas, that Kiwanis clubs take a greater interest in public affairs.
S. McN. Johnston, city manager, will outline contemplated improvements in recreational areas surrounding Phoenix, in addressing members of the Phoenix Kiwanis Club at their weekly luncheon meeting in Hotel Adams Tuesday.
Mr. Johnston will particularly stress improvements to be made in South Mountain park by Civilian Conservation Corps workers, and also will tell of activities of the CCC workers in Papago park.
Carl Calkins will preside as program chairman, and Herb Hodgson will make a report on the district convention.
Bringing before the Kiwanians information concerning contemplated improvements in the recreational areas is in conformity with the recent admonition of Kiwanis International, and with a resolution passed at the recent district convention in Douglas, that Kiwanis clubs take a greater interest in public affairs.
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