Monday, June 23, 2008

U. S. Will Ask Bids For Civilian Camps

“AZR”, October 10, 1933

Bids on construction for cantonments for the four civilian conservation corps camps to be established in Phoenix and vicinity will be called in the next few days and the first of the camps will begin operation here by October 25, members of the city commission were advised yesterday by federal representatives.

The “CCC” camp in Papago park will be the first unit to be established here. This camp will be transferred here October 25 from Wyoming.

Two camps will be transferred into Phoenix Mountain park from points in Colorado by December 1, it also was announced. Another camp will be established at Ashdale on the Black Canyon highway at about the same time the Papago park unit is brought here.

Bids on construction of the cantonments, including quarters for men and other necessary facilities, will be called and received through 8th corps U. S. Army headquarters at Ft. Bliss.

Bids on the installation of a well in Phoenix Mountain park to furnish water for the two camps there already have been received and the contract will be awarded in the next few days.

These two units, as well as the Papago park and Ashdale camps each will employ 215 men, Lester D. DeMund, commission member announced yesterday after conferring with Don R. Hull, inspector from the federal district park service office at San Francisco who is here in connection with the “CCC” projects.

The commissioners also were informed that local young men will be eligible for enrollment in the working personnel of the camps as their quotas of men will not be entirely filled when they are sent here. A location at which enrollment may be made will be announced later.

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