Drilling of a well to furnish water for the Civilian Conservation Corps camps in Phoenix Mountain park has been placed under way near Dobbins’ monument on South Central Avenue. A pipeline will be laid and a pump installed to “lift” water to the camp which will be in the interior of the park. Because of the geological nature of the country, it is not believed possible to reach water within the park.
The well, which is being paid for by the federal government, will be a permanent improvement. It will provide a water supply for the park after the conservation camp workers complete extensive park improvement program which has been outlined.
The city engineering department is facilitating establishment of the camp by preparing plans and specifications for the “CCC” cantonment. These plans call for the construction of 10 separate buildings, including four barracks, two mess halls and two recreation rooms.
Original plans for the establishment of two separate camps in separate locations have been altered and all workers, of which there will be about 400, will be grouped into one large cantonment.
“CCC” camp workers will be transferred here from projects in Colorado and Wyoming about the last of this month.
Plans for the park improvement include reforestation of areas which have been denuded by vandals or woodhaulers of their interesting desert flora, construction of miles of additional roads, trails and bridle paths; clearing of picnic grounds and installation of improvements such as camp ovens, ramadas, camp tables and benches.
The entire program will be carried out without any expense to Phoenix taxpayers.
Interestiing read